Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 5 - Climbing Poorly - March 27, 2011

Climbing for endurance...  Doing everything for endurance...  I'm starting to run out of endurance...

No, seriously, it's interesting.  This is the first time I have really trained this hard since my mid-20s probably.  Endurance in your late 30s is different...  Seems that training in one area drains me in another, very interesting watching the onslaught of aging...  Oh, and the arm is hurting again...

OK, enough of that.

Climbing indoors.  Tried to work endurance bouldering which is always a challenge.  Traversing and laps basically. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 4 - Hiking with little sis. - March 26, 2011

Hiking up in Harriman again.  Beautiful day, somewhere in the high 20s when we started hiking.  Hit AWFUL traffic trying to take the deegan out of the city.  It was closed, why the hell does the city actually close entire roads?  unbelievable...  We did the same hike as I did last week.  It was a good training hike and i'm curious if all of this training is doing anything.

Distance: ~ 6 miles
# of times we got lost: 2 (Yes, it's more than last time, hush.)
Additional weight in the pack: added about a gallon of water, I think the pack is around 25 or 30 pounds at this point.  Will be up to 50 within a few weeks in theory.

Layla took a ton of photos on the hike which i'll post as soon as I get them.  The landscape was kind of perfectly barren, the recent snow added to the wasteland'esque aspect.  This time I didn't climb after hiking, learned from my last attempt.  Climbing will be tomorrow.

Overall, this hike was much easier than last time.  I think that a large part of that was having a friend along, but in theory I might actually be getting back in shape.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 3 - March 24th, 2011 - Climbing

Today was a climbing workout.  Climbed with my friend Damon.  The goal now is to build endurance, that means lots of climbs in a row to the point that I am not climbing very well because I am so pumped and then keep climbing. 

# of routes: Not as many as I'd like to have done
# of Shot Rocks eaten: 2
How pumped am I still now that I am home: Alarmingly so.

Overall I think that I am getting fatigued from the increased endurance workouts across the board.  I was definitely not energized today.  May need to upgrade the diet a bit to get some more high energy foods in me.  Anybody have any suggestions?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2 - March 22, 2011 - aka "The boring workout"

Indoor workout ipso facto, ie, therefore, boring...

Stair climbing is the task of the day and I accomplished 17 minutes 13 seconds of exactly that.  Up and down 7 flights.  Single step, double step, french step...  Exciting, yes?

# of people encountered: 0
# of times I cursed myself for forgetting my iPod: 2,733
# of brain cells I lost from breathing in the strange stairway smell: 4.5 million
How Tired am I after I am done: Really freaking tired, legs are literally shaking.
# of times I thought about making dinner while going up stairs: 6,546

After running, pushups, situps, tricep things, etc, etc.

I think today was easier than last week.

Climbing on Thursday is the next workout.

Now on to dinner.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 1 - March 20, 2011

First day of training.  Sunday morning, up at 7 to go hiking up in Harriman.  Beautiful day, around 34 degrees when I started.  The plan was to do a hard hike for about 6 miles, lunch, head back to the city, climb with a friend for a few hours.  Crash.

A few stats on the hike.

Distance: ~ 6 miles
# of times I got lost: 1
# of older couples I hiked past and hope to be able to hike as well as when I'm 70: 1.3 million
# of older couples with knee braces that look like NASA made them that hiked past me...:  1
Number of times a snake scared the bejeezuses out of me: 2 (ahem...)

The route I took was off of the first entrance to Harriman off of 7 lakes drive, red, to orange, to blue.  It was rocky (suprise...) and almost continuous up and down hills.  Good for training.

Climbing after hiking, even with a few hours rest in between was more difficult than I thought it would be.

Wow, I am in worse shape than I thought I was, this is going to be an interesting 10 weeks.


So, most folks that read this will know that i've signed up for two classes out west with the American Alpine Institute.  18 days on the mountain... 

If you have any interest, here are the two classes.


The first is to fill in the holes in my snow and ice knowledge, and the second is to build on both rock and snow/ice knowledge.

So, anyway, I decided to keep track of the training that I am going to have to do in order for this to be enjoyable.  It's considerable...  And I thought folks might like to see what I go through...